Fireside Chat
Dear NTCC Family,
We’re really excited to reopen Adult Sunday School classes this Sunday Oct. 25th. They will meet as follows:
•9:00am—Joe Etherton’s class in room 120 and Go Ye class in room 123.
•10:30—Brian Longbons’s class in room 120 and Scot Houck’s class on the Book of Daniel in room 123.
Don’t forget to decorate your mask this week for Monster Mask Sunday!!!
Jr. and Sr, High Youth will kick off this Sunday night from 5-7:30 behind the church. Bring your own lawn chair!
November 8th is our annual Congregational Meeting with a “Thanksmas” Dinner after 2nd service. Please RSVP by signing up at the welcome center or calling the church office before Tues., Nov. 3rd.
Jr. & Sr. Sunday School and youth groups will begin regular meetings on Nov 15th.
Rise Ministry (Formerly Big House) will re-open on Nov 15th.
9:00am—Unstaffed nursery will be provided for parents of infants and toddlers. (No Sunday School nursery -- 5th grade.) The Children’s Ministry will provide Praise Packs during first service.
10:30am—Staffed nursery, Wee Worship and Rise Ministry provided.
Café will re-open for beverages only on Sunday, Dec. 6th.
We are excited about re-opening! We ask that you to continue social distancing, wearing masks joining us online at 10:30 if you feel sick.
Let’s Laugh:
•What do you call a cow with a twitch?... beef jerky.
•I hate it when I think I'm buying ORGANIC vegetables, but when I get home, they're REGULAR donuts.
•Grocery store produce sign: “Take lettuce from top of stack, or heads will roll!”
Let’s Ponder:
WYSIWYG, What You See Is What You Get. It is true with how we see people. If we see (look for) the negative, we will see the negative. Conversely, if we see (look for) the positive, we will see the positive. What we see (look for) is how we treat people. See the best in others, and we will bring out the best in others. (John Maxwell principle)
Let’s Pray:
Lord, in this time of such great divide, help us not to see people in negative ways but to look for the positive. Help fill us with your Holy Spirit to accept others who see things differently than we do. Help us to look for the good and not the bad in others, and may we treat them as You would.
“God pays no attention to what others say (or what they think) about you. He makes up his own mind.” Romans 2:11 MSG
As we open, remember that the best is yet to come! See you this Sunday!!!